AKA: “the Magazine that inspired nymph(o)

For a comprehensive history, click here

(or read Big Sex Little Death by Susie Bright)

On Our Backs is a lesbian porn magazine that ran from 1984-2006. It came about during Reagan era conservatism, in a period referred to as the Feminist Porn Wars and explored female sexuality in a plethora of ways that were left out of mainstream porn. This included photographic representations of S/M practices, butch/femme roles, and an emphasis on exploring bodies outside of a heterosexual paradigm.

They also published articles on female sexual health and were the first mainstream print magazine to publish articles on the effects of AIDS on women. The magazine is tongue-in-cheek, and a refreshing emphasis on queer sexuality, joy, and expansiveness, especially given anti-porn sentiments of the ’80s.

nymph(o)’s sex-positivity is a response to the pioneering work of OOB. We too want to show the diversity of queer sexuality and sexual expression, but we aim to expand this work through a de-gendered scope.

nymph(o) is not just about sex and sexuality, but it sure is a fun angle to look at contemporary activism from. Our diverse expressions of our diverse lives, gender expressions, sexualities, and sensuality reaffirm the social change we are fighting for so hard.